cyclone belal

Image of the week: Cyclone Belal


Cyclone Belal as seen by Meteosat-10 over the Indian Ocean

cyclone belal
cyclone belal

This week's image of the week is Cyclone Belal passing over the islands of La Réunion and Mauritius.

Last Updated

23 January 2024

Published on

17 January 2024

The image was captured by the SEVIRI instrument onboard Meteosat-10 satellite in geostationary orbit 36,000km above the Earth. 

Geostationary satellites provide imagery for the early detection of fast-developing severe weather, weather forecasting and climate monitoring. 

EUMETSAT currently operates three satellites from the Meteosat Second Generation, Meteosat-9, -10 and -11 in geostationary orbit (36,000km) over Europe, Africa and part of the Indian Ocean. It also operates the first satellite of the Meteosat Third Generation series, MTG-I1, which was launched in December 2022.

Watch our near-live data feed from the Meteosat satellites and access data here in EUMETview

Cyclone Belal

Image of Cyclone Belal as seen by the SEVIRI instrument on Meteosat-10 at 08:15 UTC on 15 January 2024.